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Third Eye Possession

Writer's picture: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

Updated: Mar 8, 2024

Here is what I know so far about the third eye: those who have it opened usually experience a heightened sense of awareness, as if seeing the world through a new lens. The danger of the door opening suddenly or being manipulated by witches or witch doctors through black magic is ever-present. Satanists, witches, and witch doctors engage in rituals that they claim are for spirit summoning, but many are actually worshipping demons and giving them access to our minds. The third eye, or Anja is the witches favourite chakra to manipulate as it's the gateway to our souls.

By offering our souls or mind to a demon, some witches are able to secure financial gain or receive protection for their illicit activities.

Mark Kilroy's brutal death in the USA led to the conviction of Narcosatanists who were found guilty of engaging in acts of sodomy, torture, and murder through the practice of Palo Mayombe. See below.

On a personal note when I was just eighteen years old, I worked for a woman named Estrella, who was the proud owner of a restaurant located in the beautiful Canary Islands. While in the process of cleaning her cupboards one day, I unexpectedly came across a book on black magic that belonged to her. Hastily, I made an effort to return it to its original position, but I was promptly caught by her in the process. As darkness fell, someone elses eye was visible in my mind, giving me the impression that they had somehow gained access to my very thoughts and memories. As I stood in the bathroom, the sound of shower tiles crashing inside the bath echoed loudly, causing me to quickly turn around. To my surprise, I caught a glimpse of a mysterious dark shadow lurking behind me, its presence revealed in the reflection of the mirror. It was the first occasion when I found myself being cursed. That's more than 3 decades under a spell.

Estrella would weirdly dye her hair a strange blonde colour, going from dark brown or black to a very nasty orange/yellow, and was always overly nice.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that demonic worship has resurfaced or increased in Spain, and it seems that we, as expats who are not struggling financially, are being specifically targeted. After purchasing a property, could it be possible that our names, photos, and other personal information are being shared with these demon worshippers who claim to be innocent curanderas?

The other day, someone I know questioned me about why I haven't considered selling my property and making a move. I suppose if more business comes their way, it would mean they have another potential customer or someone new to target.

Based on my belief, it seems that the Satanic cult in Spain, particularly in this area, is of significant size. Fortunately, I possess photographs of some of the individuals whom I suspect to be involved in this situation.

But now that they are fully cognisant of my attempts to expose them, I strongly believe that they have intensified their efforts to get rid of us from the area, as evidenced by last night's gunshots being fired onto my property. Needless to say I will be documenting every activity as I have since the move here.


It is important to exercise caution when allowing individuals onto your property, as saying the word YES can inadvertently provide them with an opportunity to gain access to your third eye. Don’t let anyone stare at you for an uncomfortable amount of time. Don't eat anything from strangers (sometimes friends are wolves in sheeps clothing). Don't be afraid to call them out as weird as it seems, these Satanists have made their money off of my previous downfall. Luckily I worked it all out before it was too late for me, and I got myself closer to our real God.

Further Reading;

Break the veil and stay safe.


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