In a previous discussion, I talked about the crucifixion of Yeshua and how it differed from the traditional understanding as he was not crucified on a cross but rather hung from a tree.
In today’s discussion, I would like to take a closer look at the organized structure of the church, beginning with the significance of the word “Amen” uttered at the conclusion of every prayer.
Following each prayer, we are summoning “Amen,” the revered Egyptian deity of Thebes, as a way to acknowledge and honor HIM.
The act of praying to “Amen” is considered by some to be rooted in pagan beliefs, as it is believed to be a direct prayer to the sun god.
Amen-Ra, who is also recognized as Tammuz, assumes the role of the prince of the power of the air, which Yeshua referred to as the enemy in his teachings.
Under the pretense of True Christianity, paganism is exploiting the Holy word for financial gain.
How, you may ask?
Throughout history, starting with Caesar, the Roman Catholic Church dedicated a majority of their time to the act of deifying themselves, but they became uneasy when people began to shift their worship towards their true King, Yeshua.
In order to retaliate, Caesar planned and executed the murder of Yeshua, subsequently shifting the blame onto the Jewish community.
It is truly absurd to witness the audacity of ordinary human beings who dare to believe that they can supplant God by indulging in corruption and subjecting us to their lies.
Throughout history, those who truly follow Christ have faced persecution due to the inherent risk posed to their major con job at play, if individuals were to uncover the immense deception.
As long as they can maintain control, accumulate wealth, and hold onto power, they are willing to resort to any lies or tricks.
How did we end up becoming such fools?
Building opulent churches was never mentioned in scripture, the very scripture that the Holy Roman Catholic Church compiled.
The church is nothing more than an institution where man rules over other men, keeping them enslaved to religious bondage.
Without organized religion, there would be no profiteering from the Holy word, but as long as they can fool worshippers who refuse to do their own research, they're onto a winner.
Billions of dollars in wealth are accumulated while people sleep on park benches and can't afford to feed themselves or their kids.
Do not be fooled by the disguise of piety; underneath their charitable front is a corrupt organization intent on world domination, in cahoots with our very governments.
It is widely recognized that the Catholic Church played a crucial and influential role in the transition of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
The main objective behind this shift was to show reverence and respect to their deity, the Sun God, Amen_Ra, thereby commemorating a momentous event in their religious customs.
It is worth noting that there is a contrary viewpoint among scholars who argue that Yeshua’s resurrection happened on Saturday rather than Sunday, challenging the popular belief.
It was the very Holy Roman Empire that drove the nails into Yeshua's feet, isn't it about time people reassessed themselves, stopped being so easily manipulated, and started researching for the truth?
Freeing their minds from the biggest religious and political scandal of all time is essential.
Instead, we go along with their lies and propaganda without question.
The vaccine was harmless, of course—our governments, together with big pharma, wouldn't profit from all this, right?
Until academics woke up to the rise in early onset cancers and excess deaths that just don't make any sense.
It's all psychological warfare to achieve their hidden agenda, and we just sit back, open another bottle of wine, and watch mind-numbing TV whilst mainstream media eats away at our senses.
We are being led astray like sheep to the slaughter, and regrettably, there are many people who mistakenly believe that they can secure salvation by embracing a religion that is fabricated by man.
It is astonishing how we fail to grasp the extent of our own foolishness.
It is important to note that the visions that individuals claim to have witnessed, whether of saints or even the Mother of Yeshua herself, may also be deceptive manipulations orchestrated by satanic forces.
Demons possess the extraordinary power to appear in any form they choose in this earthly realm, using this ability to manipulate our perception and advance their agenda of destruction.
People who engage in worshiping these entities are lured by the promise of material riches and authority, displaying a complete disregard for the damage inflicted upon our souls.
“However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says:
‘Heaven is My throne,And earth is My footstool.What house will you build for Me? says the Lord,Or what is the place of My rest? Has My hand not made all these things?’
“You stiff-necked[a] and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it.” Acts 7:48-53 (KJB)
"For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."
Mark 10:42-43 (KJB)
Devil worshippers, who perceive themselves as deities on earth, are sending us towards annihilation.
These worshippers can either be followers of freemasonry, worshipping Baphomet, or Catholics who are covertly practicing Paganism and worshipping Tammuz.
Both known as the beast and Satan.
In my opinion of course.
