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Writer: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

Updated: Mar 8, 2024

The existence of conflicting elements characterises the state of duality. The contrast between darkness and light, hatred and love, greed and generosity, pride and egolessness, lust and humility, envy and confidence, anger and softness, sloth and diligence of mind is an exploration of human nature.

Auras, our human energy fields, are like invisible blankets that surround our bodies. In her scripture, Mary Magdalene taught that positive emotions are essential for a healthier aura. She emphasized the need to overcome the seven wraths and attain anthropos, the divine/human status on Earth. Was this the reason her scripture was kept out of the Biblical canon perhaps?

Was Mary imparting her wisdom on us, teaching us the way to reach enlightenment?

In a world consumed by darkness, accomplishing that would be an uphill battle. I believe that within each of us resides a divine spark, emanating from the sacred Pleroma or pure light. As we conquer negative emotions, we elevate our vibrational energy, allowing the Christ seed within us to blossom and lead us to enlightenment or the Kingdom of Heaven. I believe a man named Yeshua taught exactly this, that the Kingdom of God was inside us.

Instead, Orthodoxy tightly regulates our knowledge, masquerading as guardians of our well-being. Is it possible that these very systems are secretly manipulating society in the largest capitalist machine ever created by humanity?

In my perspective, the Bible has been assembled by picking and choosing ancient texts to manipulate and govern humanity, while those who possess hidden esoteric knowledge exploit their desires and greed. Its purpose is to prevent us from uncovering the true meaning of our existence.

The lack of profit potential for big pharmaceutical companies lies in their inability to attach negative entities to the energy field of enlightened beings. Pure lightness evokes bliss, but it challenges the capitalist system and its illusion that we are merely material beings enduring pain through countless reincarnations.

According to Mary Magdalene's teachings, achieving enlightenment means recognizing our power as creators and communicating with the divine. This knowledge, accessible through the Akashic records, was believed to be possessed by both Einstein and Tesla.

Imagine the incredible convenience of harnessing Tesla's free energy instead of paying exorbitant fees to stay warm during winter.


Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV

God, the divine light inside us.

By exposing ourselves to advertising, we're reminded of our imperfections and made to believe that flawless skin or body is just one product away.

The media also captures attention with stories of political outrage, shedding light on lobbying, sex scandals, wars, and the concealment of confidential documents by presidents, all contributing to a negative atmosphere of anger, hatred, and bigotry. Their actions serve to keep our vibrational energy low, resulting in illness whilst Mary Magdalene's scripture is still out of the Biblical canon.

We continue to feel anger through political outrage, as we empty our pockets onto collection plates, offering up our hard-earned money to demons or idols, while the Vatican sits on billions of dollars.

Why would a spirit of pure light need our cash?

They're not offering up to the Pleroma; they're offering up to the mighty beings who guarantee power, wealth, and a life of comfort for those pulling the strings while the rest of humanity endures suffering like slaves.

Or as Yeshua said:

“No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons” ESV 1 Corinthians 10:20

Hidden from the world, secret societies continue to venerate the entities from the astral plane, seeking fulfilment in their twisted desires.

The reason behind the murder of a man named Yeshua was his revelation of the truth and his subsequent attempts to spread the word. In my book, I delve deeper into my personal encounters with the darkness.

But I'm not angry. Anger hurts me and you and our journey to the truth.


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